Legendary Marvel: Villains
👤 Players: 1-5
⏰ Time: 45min
The Legendary universe gets flipped upside down in Legendary Marvel: Villains, and you can now play as villains trying to take out the heroes protecting the city!
The goal of the game remains roughly the same as in the first Legendary game as players can work both with and against other players to overcome obstacles that the game throws at them. In this case, however, players use the super villains of the Marvel Universe — including Venom, Magneto and Loki — to battle superheroes such as the X-Men, the Avengers and Spider-Friends.
Legendary Marvel: Villains is a standalone game that includes all the cards needed to play.
Other Base Games: Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
Legendary Marvel Expansions: Annihilation, Ant-Man, Captain America 75th Anniversary, Champions, Dark City, Deadpool, Dimensions, Dr. Strange and the Shadows of Nightmare, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, Heroes of Asgard, Into the Cosmos, New Mutants, Noir, Paint the Town Red, Realm of Kings. Revelations, Secret Wars: Volume 1, S.H.I.E.L.D., Spider-Man Homecoming, Venom
Playmats: Dark Phoenix vs the X-men.