Spire RPG: Blood and Dust
Two hundred years ago, the high elves – or aelfir – overthrew the drow city of Spire, an impossibly tall angular bastion of slate and granite, in a brutal and bloody war. Now, they graciously allow the drow – the dark elves – to live in the city in exchange for four years of indentured servitude to a high elf lord. This is their durance.
You are a dark elf. The touch of the sun burns your grey skin, and you hide from the light in twisting corridors, crumbling temples and the lawless undercity. You have seen your mothers and grandmothers subjugated by the aelfir, and you have had enough.
You have joined the resistance: the ministry of Our Hidden Mistress, worshippers of a forbidden goddess. You have sworn in blood that the aelfir will fall, that you will destroy them through subterfuge, and insurrection, and terror.