Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2E: Forgotten Realms – Volo’s Guide to the Sword Coast
Well met traveler!
Welcome to the latest in the popular series of guidebooks penned by Volothamp Geddarm. You hold in your hands an overview of the most important inns, taverns, shops, and tourist attractions in the western Heartlands, the coast of which is known as the Sword Coast. These lands begin south of fabled Waterdeep and the Savage Frontier, Continue up to the northern boarders of Amn, and reach east as far the desert’s edge and Tunland. This perilous region sees some of the heaviest caravan traffic in all the Realms. Every merchant who enters the lands of the Sword Coast should have a copy of this guide ready to hand. As usual, all features and establishments covered are ranked with Volo’s handy coin, dagger, pipe, and tankard ratings system.
> Where pirates go to drink at and plot which ships and ports they’ll next strike at
> The best craftsfolk of the Sword Coast
> Where the best caravan masters can be found – and where they dare not go
> Local legends and rumors of rich treasures not yet found and plundered
> Haunted ruins and other places that must be seen – from a safe distance
> Where mighty wizards and sword-swinging adventurers dwell
> Where mithral and magic lie unclaimed
> Dragon lairs – and the dwelling places of worse monsters!