Blood Bowl: 2016 Edition – Goblin Pitch & Dugout Set
👤 Players: 2
⏰ Time: 90-120min
A double-sided card Blood Bowl pitch, complete with matching dug-outs, this is the perfect place for your Goblin teams to play. One side features a slightly worse for wear grass (and mud) pitch, covered in craters and debris – it’s even sprouting mushrooms. The other side is the same pitch after an extremely heavy rainfall – it’s completely waterlogged, and some unfortunate Goblins have drowned in the craters. The dug-outs are themed to match, and feature score trackers, reserves, Knocked Out and Serious Injury boxes, Down trackers for both halves, and a re-roll tracker.
The pitch is made to the same specifications as the board included with the Blood Bowl boxed game, and includes rules for play on a waterlogged pitch.
Additional Blood Bowl Items
Second Season Books: The Official Rules, Spike! Presents – 2022 Almanac
2016 Edition Pitch & Dugout Packs: Chaos Chosen, Snotling
Second Season Pitch & Dugout Packs: Halfling, Nurgle, Wood Elf
Second Season Team Card Packs: Chaos Chosen, Elven Union, Goblin, Halfling, Snotling, Wood Elf