Deep Carbon Observatory (2020 Remastered Edition)
Behold! Like a CGI remake of a Disney Animation, a new version of an old thing you already like!
Yes we have finally reached the level of penury and moral decay required to try to sell you all something that many of you have already bought, but now with EXTRA STUFF!
Wait! What is this “Deep Carbon Observatory”?
Go down to the bottom and I will explain.
Absolutely everyone complained about the maps in the original version. Well now we have all-new semi-isometric maps by Dirk Leichty of Silent Titans, Super Blood Harvest and probably soon to be many other projects!
- A new map of the Drowned Lands!
- A new map of the Dam!
- A new map of the Observatory itself!
Its the old art you enjoyed when it was small, but now HUGE!
With an A4 format we have been able to put in all the previous images, except now instead of being tiny and grey on PoD paper, they are HUGE and BLACK with the finest of inks!
Each Turbine Golem now gets an individual, full-page, illustration!
In fact in this 104 page book there are only 33 pages without some image or illustration!
We have hot, fresh art all over this thing!
New Material!
Remember all that extra stuff you asked for? Well at least some of it has been included!
- Spreads on how to run The Crows
- A spread of thirty hooks to kick off your adventure.
- Re-written background so things make (slightly) more sense.
- A ‘Race to the Observatory’ section to make the trip slightly less static and to add in moving elements to the Observatory at the end, should you desire them.
- Logistics, travel and mechanical bits and pieces now make (proportionately more) sense!
- And at least some playtesting! Not all of which was ignored!
New Layout!
Everything is now arranged in numbered two-page spreads. If you open the book to any spread, all the information you need to run everything there should be visible to you.
Finding Stuff – Every time you need to find something there should be a title and a Spread Number indicating where to go and what to look for. Just turn to the spread indicated and see the large, bolded and centred title of the thing you seek. For a handful of things where this wouldn’t work, there are also Element Numbers, and even page numbers.
Every numbering system is a different colour. Large black Spread Numbers, Red Element Numbers and Blue Page Numbers. Never be confused (hopefully) again!
A Contents Page and an Index at the back!