Dungeon Crawl Classics: Ziggurat of the Mega-Maiden
Expected Release Date: August 28th, 2024 (Game will ship and be available for pickup on this day).
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This level 1 adventure is a heavy metal-fueled combat fest. It’s two minutes to midnight and the Cult of Deth is performing the Wrathchild Ritual which will end or enslave the world! Race up the ziggurat, stop the ritual, save the world!
The module that started the Maidenverse and can be played in 1-4 hours. This is a pure combat adventure. The players get the story, and then everyone rolls initiative for the whole session.
Includes the Blackest Night variant rules which are darker and deadlier with new enemies, an additional ziggurat level. Basically hard mode. Character death is a given. Was crafted after Christophor Rick listened to 12 hours of 80s thrash metal. His playlist is included as suggested background music.