Hackmaster Basic: Frandor’s Keep
Holding its lonely vigil high in the rocky hinterlands, on the furthest reaches of civilization, sits the military outpost known as Frandor’s Keep. Perhaps you come to the Keep as soldier, merchant, bounty hunter or wanderer, or merely to seek payment for a debt owed. No matter, for you are here now, in a wilderness teeming with strange creatures and fraught with danger the perfect forge for you to hammer your career upon.
– Frandor’s Keep contains all the information you need to play a HackMaster Basic campaign in this setting. Here’s just some of what you get:
– Enough adventure opportunities of every type (city, wilderness and dungeon) to raise characters from 1st to 5th level
– Complete information on Frandor’s Keep, including details on every building and notable NPC personality
– Over 100 pieces of rumors and information designed to make the Keep come alive as NPCs move about, interact and inadvertently provide tips to players clever enough to pay attention
– Thorough details on the surrounding area and its inhabitants, including every waystation, watch tower and the lawless Quarrytown.
– An entire appendix of new rules, including equipment, disease, quirks, flaws, poison, and a new monster
– A comprehensive overview of Frandor’s history and how the Great Exploratory Boom of years past made it what it is today