👤 Players: 3-4
⏰ Time: 20min
Inflation! is a trick-taking game that aims to simulate currency hyperinflation, and uses a deck of cards consisting of one 1, two 2s, three 3s, etc. up to ten 10s.
Players must follow the rank of the card played by the start player if possible, and cards are not removed after the trick is over. Rather, the next card a player plays will be set on top of the previously played cards. That is, if a player first plays a 2, then a 9, and then a 5, in this game the player has played a 2 to the first trick, 92 to the second, and 592 to the third.
At the end of the game, the player who has taken the most tricks will lose for having devalued their currency too much. Otherwise points are earned for winning tricks and for matching the number of tricks bid by a player at the start of a hand.