Legendary Marvel: Dr. Strange and the Shadows of Nightmare Expansion
CONDITION NOTE: Expansion is without original packaging, but cards are all sleeved.
👤 Players: 1-5
⏰ Time: 30-60min
Hunting… Trapping… in the dream dimension, people are stalked by fear. Nightmare, an ageless demon who rules this realm is collecting dream energy from humans and placing the entire world under extradimensional threats from him and his villains. Team up with wondrous heroes and the Master of the Mystic Arts, Doctor Strange in this new Legendary expansion where you’ll race to power up your deck with the legendary defender before feeding the dream-stalking enemy with unstoppable power!
Doctor Strange returns to Legendary bringing more mystic heroes to join the vast pool of amazing super-heroes!
Base Game: Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
Other Legendary Marvel Expansions: Annihilation, Ant-Man, Captain America 75th Anniversary, Champions, Dark City, Deadpool, Dimensions, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, Heroes of Asgard, Into the Cosmos, New Mutants, Noir, Paint the Town Red, Realm of Kings. Revelations, S.H.I.E.L.D., Spider-Man Homecoming, Venom, World War Hulk.
Playmats: Dark Phoenix vs the X-men.