Legendary Marvel: X-Men
CONDITION NOTE: Cards are sleeved.
👤 Players: 1-5
⏰ Time: 30-60min
The 13th expansion to the Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game puts the spotlight squarely on the X-Men. This set will bring to the game many of the X-Men characters that have been overlooked since the inception of the Legendary game.
This big box expansion has X-Men’s biggest heroes, including Psylocke and Banshee, battling their greatest foes. Even Beast makes a return as an all new X-Men team affiliated Hero!
This will be the biggest Legendary expansion to date with 394 cards of new Heroes, Masterminds, Villains, and Schemes straight from the X-Men comics!
Base Game: Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
Other Legendary Marvel Expansions: Annihilation, Ant-Man, Captain America 75th Anniversary, Champions, Deadpool, Dimensions, Dr. Strange and the Shadows of Nightmare, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, Heroes of Asgard, Into the Cosmos, New Mutants, Noir, Paint the Town Red, Realm of Kings. Revelations, S.H.I.E.L.D., Spider-Man Homecoming, Venom, World War Hulk.
Playmats: Dark Phoenix vs the X-men.