Lord of the Rings LCG: The Dread Realm Adventure Pack
👤 Players: 1-2
⏰ Time: 60min
“It was at the beginning of the reign of Malvegil of Arthedain that evil came to Arnor. For at that time the realm of Angmar arose in the North beyond the Ettenmoors. Its lands lay on both sides of the Mountains, and there were gathered many evil men, and Orcs, and other fell creatures.”
–J.R.R. Tolkien, “The North-kingdom and the Dúnedain”
For months, several of Middle-earth’s greatest heroes have traveled with the Rangers of the North and fought alongside them in the hopes that they might safeguard the realm against a new and massing threat. Now, their adventures have led them to the fortress of Carn Dûm, the very source of the North kingdom’s greatest evils. There, accompanied by a small army of Elves and the few remaining Dúnedain, they have fought through the outer guard and their captain, earning passage into the darkened hallways that lie ahead of them, but those hallways are eerily quiet, cold, and lonely in comparison to the battle raging outside…
In the new scenario from The Dread Realm, your heroes must make their final push through the halls of Carn Dûm to prevent an ancient evil from returning to the world, but the halls that initially appear so cold and empty are full of terrible sorcery and other evils. The dead don’t lie quiet in Angmar, and you’ll need to battle past wraiths, witches, and possibly even those members of your fellowship who fall in battle only to be reanimated by the dark magic that pervades the fortress and its catacombs.
Base Game: Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (LCG Base Set)
Against the Shadow Cycle Adventure Packs & Expansions: Heirs of Numenor (Deluxe Expansion), The Druadan Forest
Dwarrowdelf Cycle Adventure Packs & Expansions: Khazad-Dum (Deluxe Expansion), The Redhorn Gate, Road to Rivendell, The Watcher in the Water, The Long Dark, Foundations of Stone, Shadow and Flame
Shadows of Mirkwood Cycle Adventure Packs & Expansions: The Hunt for Gollum, Conflict at the Carrock, A Journey to Rhosgobel, The Dead Marshes, Return to Mirkwood
Nightmare Decks: Conflict at the Carrock, On the Doorstep
Saga Expansions: The Hobbit – Over Hill & Under Hill