Pathfinder 1E: Hell’s Vengeance #4 – For Queen and Empire
CONDITION NOTE: Cover has small spot of sticker residue in the upper right corner.
The Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Path marches on! Her Infernal Majestrix Queen Abrogail II of Cheliax summons her agents to the city of Egorian to address the current crisis with the Glorious Reclamation. Arriving in the imperial capital, the adventurers find themselves swept up in the cutthroat politics of the imperial court. To impress the queen and secure a royal audience, the wicked characters must scour Egorian to root out and eradicate a secret organization that works to free halfling slaves. But to truly earn Queen Abrogail’s trust, the adventurers must perform a sacrifice for the queen to renew Thrune’s contract with Hell, and there are many―both within the court and without―that wish to see Thrune dethroned.
For Queen & Empire is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 10th-level characters. The adventure continues the Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Path, a wide-ranging campaign in which evil player characters quell a rebellion to restore order to a wicked empire. A selection of new monsters, a gazetteer of Cheliax’s capital city of Egorian, details on the anti-slavery Bellflower Network, and the next installment of the Pathfinder’s Journal round out this volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path!