The Bloodfields at Blackstar Station
The Bloodfields at Blackstar Station is a 40 page battle royale hexcrawl and black market space station setting zine for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG including:
Darkspace pirates, THE SWORDS OF SINCLAIR, troll the vast megavoids in the tracts between systems – scanning for hyperdrives with crew in cryo, using MILITARY-GRADE INTERDICTORS to pull ships from hyperspace and shutter their drives. Crews are stolen away, still in the cold dark of cryosleep or gassed into submission during boarding, and taken to BLACKSTAR STATION. Crews awaken as contestants in THE BLOODFIELDS.
- 19 sectors to fight across at the heart of a former tourist resort
- 20 teams of contestants – enemy killers, unlikely allies, and more
- Black market space station setting with factions, NPCs and hooks
- Evocative art by Roque Romero (Codex R, Picket Line Tango)
- Edited by Vi Huntsman (MÖRK BORG, What We Give To Alien Gods)
STAND-ALONE: Your crew awakes in The Bloodfields after going into cryosleep just before their first job together. They have a first impression of one another, but little else.
CAMPAIGN: The Bloodfields is a terrible interruption between other things. The Swords find the crew on their way to the next job or on their way back. They don’t know the crew is, and they don’t care. They simply need bodies for the ‘Fields.
LOCALE: Blackstar Station is a freespace hub for illegal trade, gambling, and more. Spread rumors of it. Let the crew find coordinates, hidden away. If you can find Blackstar, you are free to visit. But you may not like what you find.
- 5.5×8.5″ 40 page full color zine
- 18×24″ double-sided Arena Hexmap and Station Poster
- “I visited the Bloodfields at Blackstar Station… and I Won!” iron-on patch