Truth and Lies (Clan Sourcebook for Wu Xing: The Ninja Crusade)
CONDITION NOTE: Cover has small spot of sticker residue in the upper right corner.
The Sharpest Blades…
Only a thin line exists between truth and lies, both powerful weapons if wielded with finesse and fearlessness. We cut our enemies down with our words, our ideals and our finely sharpened weapons. Never look back and stay true to your creed, no matter the evil you may bring upon others.
Cut as Deep as the Soul
Wu Xing: Truth and Lies is the second clan sourcebook for Wu Xing: The Ninja Crusade. Learn more about sturdy and unforgiving Metal-Aspected clans: The Will of Iron, who search the world enacting true justice, and the Hidden Strands of Fate, mysterious betrayers with a strange hold on noble ninja. There are few who dare to look behind the veil to these clans’ true natures. Will you take that challenge?
This Book Includes:
– In-depth look at the territory, training methods and mysteries behind the Sheriffs and Strands
– Brand new Wushu, Fighting Styles and even Celestial Animals to bring into your game
– Two new clans ready to face the Ninja Crusade
– New Adventure included!